What Does It Cost To Study In Ukraine?
The cost of higher education at Ukrainian universities is much lower than what obtains in many other European countries for an equivalent standard of education. Below I list the average cost of tuition for major courses available to international students at Ukrainian universities.
- English Language Foundation: $1500 – $2000
- Medicine and Surgery: $3000 – $3500
- Pediatric Medicine: $3000 – $4500
- Veterinary Medicine: $3500 – $4000
- Dentistry / Stomatology: $3500 – $4500
- Pharmacy: $3000 – $4500
- Engineering: $3500 – $4500
- Aeronautical Engineering: $3000 – $3500
- Mechanical Engineering: $3000 – $3500
- Computer Science: $2500 – $3500
- Computer Systems and Network: $2500 – $3500
- Computer Engineering: $2500 – $4000
- Oil and gas / Petroleum Engineering: $2500 – $3500
- Aviation: $3500 – $4500
- Hotel Management: $2000 – $3000
- Nursing: $2500 – $3500
- Economics: $3000 – $3500
- Information Technology: $2500 – $3500
- Hotel and Tourism Management: $3500 – $3000
- Telecommunications: $2500 – $3000
- Civil Engineering: $3000 – $4000
- Electrical Engineering: $2500 – $3500
- Construction: $3000 – $4000
- Architecture: $3000 – $4000
- Business Administration: $2500 – $3000
- Plant Protection: $3500 – $4000
- Eco – Biotechnology: $3500 – $4000
- Management of Foreign Economic Activity: $3500 – $4000
- Ecology and Environmental Protection: $3500 – $4000
- Biomedical Engineering: $3500 – $4000
- Economical Cybernetics: $2500 – $3000
- Accounting and Audits: $2500 – $3000
- Master of Business Administration: $2500 – $3000
- Bachelor of International Management: $2500 – $3000
- Bachelor of International Business: $2500 – $3000
- Master of International Management:$3000 – $3500
For interested students who would like to have good quality education at prices that beat many others in similar countries like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France, and many other North American and European countries, studying in Ukraine is an option to be considered.
Ukraine’s cities offer a similar environment to many of the most popular student cities around the world. The European – style environment and a good standard of living both contribute to making Ukraine an enjoyable place to work and study in.
International students also have quite several money-saving avenues including travel and shopping discounts using student identity cards. Students can save up to fifty percent on intra- and intercity travel using official University issued student discount cards.
The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is also available for use by international students in Ukraine and it can be used to obtain good discounts on various consumer goods and services including accommodation, travel, and shopping.
You have made the right choice in choosing to study at Ukraine universities.